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Купить книгу Translational Neuroscience. A Guide to a Successful Program, автора Edgar  Garcia-Rill
Translational Neuroscience. A Guide to a Successful Program
Translational research looks to take the latest innovations made in the laboratory setting to translate findings into effective and sustainable medical interventions and improved preventative measures. Funding support is increasingly tied to practical healthcare outcomes, with this trend likely only to increase in coming years, Translational Neuroscience: A Guide to a Successful Program, is a timely guide to developing research programs that bring translational advances to the forefront. Translational Neuroscience provides practical information from scientists with first-hand experience in developing a cutting-edge translational facility. The book opens with chapters that provide guidance to organizing a center for translational science. Chapters look at topics ranging from mentoring and career planning for clinician scientists to improving the design of core facilities and addressing infrastructure needs. The second half of the book provides valuable case studies of translational neuroscience in action, with examples ranging from using to transcranial magnetic stimulation to studies on drug abuse and telemedicine applications. The final chapter looks to the future of basic science research, how academic health centers can be reorganized, and how future generations of translational neuroscientists can be trained. Translational Neuroscience provides a blueprint to developing an innovative and successful translational research program. Deans, department chairs, academic health center administrators, and researchers will find this guide useful for drafting programs in translational research and avoiding costly pitfalls. While grounded in examples from basic neuroscience research, this book will be a useful tool to all scientists looking to develop centers of translational science across research disciplines.
Купить книгу Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians, автора Mohammad  Al-Ubaydli
Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians
Patient-controlled personal health records are the key to successful interaction between physician and patient. They form the core for joined-up communication throughout health organizations. Still, the very name is capable of alarming both patient and doctor. Are they reliable? Are they complete? Are they confidential? Where do you access them? For the doctor, additional concerns surround the implementation: how do you include these online tools in your busy schedule? How much will they add to your existing spend on information technology? Can you get paid for doing all this extra work? Now you can find dependable answers to all of these questions. Written by a physician who has developed his own personal health records software for patients and doctors to interact, Personal Health Records: A Guide for Clinicians explains how to get the best from your patient's records and how to put the information to good use, helping both your patient and yourself to a more effective and efficient outcome in any clinical situation. “The author is a clinical academic, patient and pioneer in his field and does a grand job of explaining the ins and outs of PHRs in a non-patronising manner for the non-tech savvy” – From a review published in Health Services Journal by: Dr Emma Stanton, Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow and Specialist Registrar at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Купить книгу Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology. 100 Worked Examples, автора Mike  Leach
Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology. 100 Worked Examples
The analysis of blood, bone marrow and tissue fluid specimens requires a multi-faceted approach with the integration of scientific data from a number of disciplines. No single discipline can operate in isolation or errors will occur. Flow cytometry is in a privileged position in that it can provide rapid analysis of specimens and it is often the first definitive investigation to produce results and help formulate a working diagnosis. This companion text to Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology Diagnosis contains 100 worked examples drawn from real clinical cases presenting to the authors’ institution. Cases are illustrated with peripheral blood and bone marrow cytology, tissue pathology and cytogenetic and molecular data, which are integrated to generate, where appropriate, a diagnosis based on the WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. The spectrum of clinical cases includes adult and paediatric patients, and both neoplastic and reactive disorders. The cases appear in no particular order to challenge the reader to make their own diagnosis. The reader will review May−Grünwald−Giemsa (MGG)-stained films of peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirates presented alongside flow cytometric data and haematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained bone marrow and other tissue biopsy sections. Immunohistochemistry is used to further clarify the tissue lineage and cell differentiation. Cytogenetic studies using metaphase preparations are used to identify translocations and chromosome gains and losses whilst interphase fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) studies and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are used to identify gene fusions, gene rearrangements and deletions. Each case concludes with a discussion of the features that are important to making a diagnosis. The cases are also listed according to disease classification in the appendix so that the text can also be used as a reference. Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology: 100 Worked Examples: Provides a practical, example-based resource for flow cytometry Demonstrates how flow cytometry results should be interpreted and applied to optimize patient care Includes both malignant and benign conditions Can be used in conjunction with Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology Diagnosis, by the same author team (ISBN 9780470671207) Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology: 100 Worked Examples is ideal for practicing haematologists and histopathologists with an interest in haematopathology, but particularly directed at trainee haematologists and scientists preparing for FRCPath and related examinations.
Купить книгу Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide. Canine and Feline, автора
Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide. Canine and Feline
Veterinary Technician’s Daily Reference Guide: Canine and Feline, Third Edition provides a quick reference to all aspects of a technician’s daily responsibilities in clinical practice. Retaining the tabular format for easy access, the Third Edition adds more in-depth skill descriptions, allowing the technician to reach an even higher level of care. Coverage ranges from anatomy and preventative care to diagnostic and patient care skills, pain management, anesthesia, and pharmacology. Now fully revised and updated, the book is designed to build on a veterinary technician’s current knowledge, acting as a quick refresher in the daily clinic setting. A companion website offers forms and worksheets, training materials, review questions, vocabulary flashcards, links to online resources, and the figures from the book in PowerPoint. The Third Edition is an invaluable practical resource for increasing confidence and improving technical skills for veterinary technicians.
Купить книгу Clinical Trial Design. Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods, автора Guosheng  Yin
Clinical Trial Design. Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods
A balanced treatment of the theories, methodologies, and design issues involved in clinical trials using statistical methods There has been enormous interest and development in Bayesian adaptive designs, especially for early phases of clinical trials. However, for phase III trials, frequentist methods still play a dominant role through controlling type I and type II errors in the hypothesis testing framework. From practical perspectives, Clinical Trial Design: Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods provides comprehensive coverage of both Bayesian and frequentist approaches to all phases of clinical trial design. Before underpinning various adaptive methods, the book establishes an overview of the fundamentals of clinical trials as well as a comparison of Bayesian and frequentist statistics. Recognizing that clinical trial design is one of the most important and useful skills in the pharmaceutical industry, this book provides detailed discussions on a variety of statistical designs, their properties, and operating characteristics for phase I, II, and III clinical trials as well as an introduction to phase IV trials. Many practical issues and challenges arising in clinical trials are addressed. Additional topics of coverage include: Risk and benefit analysis for toxicity and efficacy trade-offs Bayesian predictive probability trial monitoring Bayesian adaptive randomization Late onset toxicity and response Dose finding in drug combination trials Targeted therapy designs The author utilizes cutting-edge clinical trial designs and statistical methods that have been employed at the world's leading medical centers as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. The software used throughout the book is freely available on the book's related website, equipping readers with the necessary tools for designing clinical trials. Clinical Trial Design is an excellent book for courses on the topic at the graduate level. The book also serves as a valuable reference for statisticians and biostatisticians in the pharmaceutical industry as well as for researchers and practitioners who design, conduct, and monitor clinical trials in their everyday work.
Купить книгу Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by Step. An Illustrated Guide, автора
Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by Step. An Illustrated Guide
This new edition of the bestselling step-by-step introduction to cardiac pacemakers now includes additional material on CRT and an accompanying website. It retains the effective use of full-page illustrations and short explanations that gained the book such enormous popularity and now provides information on recent advances in cardiac pacing, including biventricular pacing for the treatment of heart failure.
Купить книгу Tissue and Cell Processing. An Essential Guide, автора
Tissue and Cell Processing. An Essential Guide
By presenting the latest technological advances and growing national and international regulation, this new book explores state-of-the-art developments in the challenging field of tissue and cell processing. It provides a guide to easier and safer practice in operational principles of preservation, decontamination, and sterilization. Nearly half of the book is devoted completely to tissue- or cell-specific issues relating to processing. With lists of learning points and case studies which consist of sample processing protocols, descriptions of where processing went wrong, sample risk assessments, or validation studies, the authors help you find specific information fast.
Купить книгу Bioinformatics for Glycobiology and Glycomics. An Introduction, автора
Bioinformatics for Glycobiology and Glycomics. An Introduction
This book is the first to be dedicated to the bioinformatics of carbohydrates and glycoproteins. It provides an introduction to this emerging field of science both for the experimentalist working in glycobiology and glycomics, and also for the computer scientist looking for background information for the development of highly sophisticated algorithmic approaches. The book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in the field, with reviews on databases, and the tools in use for analysis, interpretation, and prediction of the structures of complex carbohydrates, and demonstrates the value of bioinformatics for glycobiology. The availability of comprehensive databases and corresponding bioinformatics tools, to access and analyse the large amounts of experimental data relating to the structure of carbohydrates, will be a prerequisite for the success of the large-scale glycomics projects that aim to decipher new, so far unknown, biological functions of glycans. Efficient bioinformatics descriptions and tools can considerably enhance the efficiency of glycomics research, in terms of data quality, analysis and experimental costs. For a complete understanding of the molecular processes in which carbohydrates are involved, such as protein–carbohydrate interactions and the impact of glycosylation on protein function, knowledge of the 3D structure of the carbohydrate, the protein–carbohydrate complex, or the glycoprotein is often indispensable. This book provides a thorough introduction into methods used for conformational analysis of carbohydrates. Key features: Describes bioinformatic approaches to handle carbohydrate-active enzymes and glycosylation. Provides an overview on bioinformatics tools that facilitate analysis of carbohydrate structures. Gives introduction into molecular modelling of carbohydrate 3D structure and carbohydrates contained in the Protein Databank. Assumes only a basic knowledge of biology and bioinformatics.
Купить книгу Сборник упражнений «Я лечусь», автора О. Д. Лариной
Сборник упражнений «Я лечусь»
Пособие представляет собой систему упражнений, направленных на восстановление функций предметного гнозиса, развитие внимания, восстановление понимания значения слов, накопление обиходного пассивного и активизацию активного словаря, формирование фразы, стимулирование глобального чтения и письма, восстановление аналитического чтения и письма, преодоление нарушений звуко-буквенного анализа и синтеза состава слова. Сборник адаптирован для самостоятельных занятий с больными в домашних условиях. В ходе работы с пособием можно варьировать задания, подходя индивидуально к каждому больному с учетом степени тяжести речевого нарушения.
Купить книгу Чисто женская тема! Что должна знать каждая дама о своем здоровье, автора Екатерины Макаровой
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Чисто женская тема! Что должна знать каждая дама о своем здоровье
Женский организм – загадка как для мужчин, так и для самих женщин. Не всё мы знаем про нашу анатомию, осознание собственной сексуальности порой не придает уверенности либо вовсе не приходит, мысли про половые инфекции вызывают приступы паники, а беременность и прочие радости женской жизни хотя и желанны, но волнения приносят немало. Так вот – незнание не освобождает от ответственности! Хотя бы ответственности за понимание процессов, которые с нами происходят, и регулирование возможностей нашей женской жизни. Зная особенности своего тела и его ресурсы, вы сможете значительно улучшить свою жизнь, правильно выстроить свое женское (именно!) телесное счастье, создать свой интимный мир отношений со своим организмом и окружающим миром. Мой клинический опыт мужского врача подсказывает, что именно глубинное знание мужской психологии в сочетании с женским видением ситуации поможет вам раскрыть в себе женское начало и начать лучше понимать себя – и своих мужчин! Узнаем себя, о себе и про себя!
Купить книгу Молекулярная нейроморфология. Нейродегенерация и оценка реакции нервных клеток на повреждение, автора Коллектива авторов
Молекулярная нейроморфология. Нейродегенерация и оценка реакции нервных клеток на повреждение
В книге в краткой и доступной форме изложен материал, касающийся проблемы морфологической оценки повреждения нервных клеток и выявления молекулярных маркеров нейродегенерации. Эта проблема приобретает особую актуальность при проведении диагностических исследований с использованием современных иммуноцитохимических подходов, преимущества и недостатки которых еще не отражены должным образом в специальной литературе.
Купить книгу Атеросклероз, гипертония и другие факторы риска как причина сосудистых поражений мозга (патогенез, проявления, профилактика), автора Б. М. Липовецкого
Атеросклероз, гипертония и другие факторы риска как причина сосудистых поражений мозга (патогенез, проявления, профилактика)
Книга посвящена важной научной проблеме сосудистых поражений мозга. В ней обращается внимание на то, что в настоящее время сосудистые заболевания очень распространены. В исследовании говорится о факторах риска, которые приводят к негативным последствиям.