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Патрик Мелроуз. Книга 2 (сборник)
«Цикл романов о Патрике Мелроузе явился для меня самым потрясающим читательским опытом последнего десятилетия», – писал Майкл Шейбон. Ему вторили такие маститые литераторы, как Дэвид Николс («Романы Эдварда Сент-Обина о Патрике Мелроузе – полный восторг от начала до конца. Читать всем, немедленно!»), Алан Холлингхерст («Эдвард Сент-Обин – вероятно, самый блестящий британский автор своего поколения»), Элис Сиболд («Эдвард Сент-Обин – один из наших величайших стилистов, а его романы о Патрике Мелроузе – шедевр литературы XXI века») и многие другие. Главный герой, жизнь которого в немалой степени основывается на биографии самого автора, пытается изжить последствия детской травмы; он уже приструнил своих личных демонов, обзавелся красавицей-женой, двумя детьми и юридической практикой – но, когда он проводит лето на семейной вилле в Провансе, мать преподносит ему не самый приятный сюрприз…
Купить книгу Пантофля Мнемазіны, автора
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Пантофля Мнемазіны
У сваім новым рамане Людміла Рублеўская ператасоўвае віртуальную рэальнасць і гістарычныя падзеі і ставіць герояў перад выбарам: змірыцца, стаць часткай сістэмы альбо ўпарта абараняць выспу ўнутранай свабоды.
Купить книгу Наша фабрика, автора Андрея Дудко
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Наша фабрика
«Наша фабрика» состоит из пятнадцати рассказов. Центральная тема сборника – творческие состояния, позволяющие героям преодолеть инерцию собственных предрассудков.
Купить книгу Вяртанне Ліліт, автора
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Вяртанне Ліліт
Ліліт, першая жонка Адама, пакінула рай і не прыжылася ў пекле. За гэта Бог і Д’ябал змусілі яе падпісаць угоду, паводле якой Ліліт мусіць бясконца ўвасабляцца ў зямных жанчын і жыць сярод людзей. Пабадзяўшыся па свеце, Ліліт урэшце трапляе ў сучасны Мінск. Тут яна сустракае журналіста газеты «Наша Нядоля», які марыць пра літаратурную славу, папулярную блогерку, якая вучыць жанчын абуджаць у сабе Багіню, дэмана, які спакушае жанчын, ды анёла, які ўдзень працуе праграмістам і складае гараскопы, а ўначы гуляе па дахах. Таксама Ліліт сустракае вучонага ката, здольнага адрозніць Вівальдзі ад Гендэля, а яшчэ дзяўчыну-псіхолага, якой дапамагае раскрыць рэдкі дар з дапамогаю картаў Таро.
Купить книгу Імя грушы, автора
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Імя грушы
Назву кнізе даў раман у трох мэмуарах пра таямнічыя менскія падзеі сярэдзіны ХІХ ст., улюбёнца тагачасных дамаў спадара Вайніслава Баўта і яго зьнікненьне. Любоўна-дэтэктыўная гісторыя пададзена ў выглядзе суб'ектыўных успамінаў трох жанчын, і адпаведна ня мае агульнай разьвязкі. Сакавітая мова і постмадэрнісцкія пасткі надаюць твору асаблівую пікантнасьць.
Купить книгу The Other Side of Midnight, автора Сидни Шелдона
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The Other Side of Midnight
One of Sidney Sheldon’s most popular and bestselling titles, published in ebook format for a new generation of fans.A gripping, glamorous novel of scorching sensuality and heart-stopping evil.A beautiful French actress whose craving for passion and vengeance takes her from the gutters of Paris to the bedroom of a powerful billionaire; a dynamic Greek tycoon who never forgets an insult, never forgives an injury; and a handsome war hero lured from his wife by another woman.From Paris to Washington, Hollywood to the islands of Greece, The Other Side of Midnight is the story of four star-crossed lives enmeshed in a deadly ritual of passion, intrigue and corruption.
Купить книгу The Ones We Trust, автора Kimberly Belle
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The Ones We Trust
A moving and evocative exploration of grief and guilt in the wake of one family's devastating loss When former DC journalist Abigail Wolff attempts to rehabilitate her career, she finds herself at the heart of a US army cover-up involving the death of a soldier in Afghanistan–with unspeakable emotional consequences for one family. As the story of what happened comes to light, Abigail will do anything to write it.The more evidence she stumbles upon in the case, the fewer people it seems she can trust, including her own father, a retired army general. And she certainly never expected to fall in love with the slain soldier's brother, Gabe, a bitter man struggling to hold his family together. The investigation eventually leads her to an impossible choice, one of unrelenting sacrifice to protect those she loves.Beyond the buried truths and betrayals, questions of family loyalty and redemption, Abigail's search is, most of all, a desperate grasp at carrying on and coping–and seeking hope in the impossible.
Купить книгу The Old Chief Mshlanga, автора Doris  Lessing
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The Old Chief Mshlanga
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a short story about a young girl’s experience of growing up in an unnamed African country.A young white girl, growing up on her family’s farm in the African bush, recalls her encounters with the local tribal chief, Mshlanga, and the growth of her awareness of the status of those around her.‘The Old Chief Mshlanga’ is a subtle but compelling tale of childhood, race and injustice, filled with the insight and anger that powers Doris Lessing’s most acclaimed novels.This story also appears in the collection This Was the Old Chief’s Country.
Купить книгу The King is Dead, автора Jim  Lewis
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The King is Dead
A soulful, illuminating novel of love, murder and redemption, from a rising star on the American literary scene.One hot, dark night in Memphis, Walter Selby finds himself wandering alone in the parking lot outside a baseball stadium, trying to find his friend. Instead he finds his future wife, Nicole, illuminated by the headlights of a passing car. In that empty car-lot, the perfect setting for an archetypal American romance, they begin a long, lovely fall – into bed, into marriage, into parenthood, into responsibility.A generation later Walter’s son Frank, now a grown man himself, is also alone in Memphis, trying to find a trace of two parents who faded from view while he was still a child. His sister Gail is building a new family for herself on the other side of the continent, while his precious daughter Amy slips further from him with each passing year. Frank’s life seems to be racing away in a flurry of wrong decisions and lost moments, with nothing to show for it. And yet if Frank’s life is anywhere, it is in his family, in these men and women, their lives and their passing. This is their story.
Купить книгу The Hundred Secret Senses, автора Amy  Tan
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The Hundred Secret Senses
The international bestseller from the author of ‘The Joy Luck Club’ and ‘The Bonesetter’s Daughter’.Olivia Yee is only five years old when Kwan, her older sister from China, comes to live with the family and turns her life upside down, bombarding her day and night with ghostly stories of strange ancestors from the world of Yin. Olivia just wants to lead a normal American life.For the next thirty years, Olivia endures visits from Kwan and her ghosts, who appear in the living world to offer advice on everything from restaurants to Olivia’s failed marriage. But just when she cannot bear it any more, the revelations of a tragic family secret finally open her mind to the startling truths hidden in Kwan’s unorthodox vision of the world.
Купить книгу The House of Frozen Dreams, автора
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The House of Frozen Dreams
Set in the stunning, eerie Alaskan mountains, this is a love story you will never forget.Step into the home that lay empty for decades…After a family tragedy, the old Alaskan homestead lay abandoned for two decades, until the one person who need it most came looking. What Kache found was more than a house full of old memories and buried secrets: he found Nadia, who had been hiding from the world, unseen, for ten years.Held captive by a past too painful or too dangerous to face, they must now break free from what binds them in place – and face the ghosts that have never stopped haunting them.Step into the house of frozen dreams…